Developing Sustainable Leadership
MEXICO – MissionConnect trains in Mexico in several different locations, equipping leaders in pastoral ministry, missions, sports evangelism, and carpentry-based ministries. We are privileged to have a certified trainer in Jonathan Peralta as the head of the Mexico outreach.
A bilingual native of Morelia, Jonathan brings an unquenchable thirst for compassion-based ministry throughout the country and has trained in the Dominican Republic as well as the United States. Jonathan and his wife Ruth are exceptional visionaries who bring their youthful energy to accomplish vibrant impact across the region.
Carpentry BAM
In 2022, Jonathan attended a training for pastors in Michoacan to learn a Business As Mission (BAM) model for sustaining work in the indigenous regions of the state. Immediately after the training, a trade-school ministry started in the mountain village of Capacuaro. MissionConnect is now partnering with the trade school BAM and Jonathan is providing leader training building relationships with the core leadership of the local church.
Sports Ministry
Jonathan couples his love for sharing Jesus and serving people with his passion for soccer. He has created a weekly self-sustaining soccer league built around a discipleship process. It did not take long for a league to form, and a generous indoor soccer arena was provided at a reduced cost so he can reach the most needy of the community.
Base Mexico, our partner training organization, is teaming with opportunity as many of Jonathan’s contacts from the NOE Center and other ministries want to reach out in their local communities. Jonathan is providing leadership and evangelism training and then leading “out” ministries to surrounding districts, providing much-needed ministry to the smaller churches. Moreover, Jonathan and Ruth both have a passion for orphans and are serving this community through local relationships.
Holistic Ministry
One of MissionConnect’s partners in Michoacán, Mexico has an exciting vision for ministry among the Purépecha people group. Their creative initiatives include an archery ministry, trade school, and Bible resource translation. Check out some of their intro videos!
Jonathan Peralta is actively connecting with major indigenous groups and training local youth to serve the small churches which often have few resources. One such movement is a trade-school project in Michoacán (mentioned above) in which we have resourced basic land development and trained young leaders to serve the local church. In spite of the pressure of the local cartels in Michoancán, the church is thriving.
Jonathan will soon begin to travel across Mexico to make connections with other church leaders and organizations to grow the ministry. He is very keen on raising up a core leadership team to build long term success. He recognizes the need for sustainability in missions and is embarked on a BAM venture with a co-laborer in hope of developing future funding streams. MissionConnect is working closely with Jonathan to plan for the development of resource streams in the near future.

“MissionConnect has been a wonderful ministry partner in the early stages leading up to and during the launch of the trade school ministry project of the Purépecha “Abundant Life Church” of Capacuaro, Michoacán. The trade schoool is a much-needed resource due to a stark lack of facilities in the Purépecha communities where men and women can get support to help them conquer addiction to drugs and alochol and learn a trade in order to support their families. MissionConnect, through their prayer support and monthly financial support, have given us courage to take leaps of faith in order to see this project launched and give first fruits, all for the glory of our great merciful God, whose mission is to seek and save the lost.”
– Scott Somerville, missionary in Michoacán Mexico