In 2022, during a casual meeting with AWANA Zambia director, Joseph Mbange, MissionConnect President, Mike Contreras, began to recognize this was a country with an ideal situation to bring mission sustainability throughout the southern African region. We followed up that meeting with an offer to come and share concerning MissionConnect and its vision to promote generational sustainability. As God directed, we met in Lusaka in the early stages of 2023, and by August of the same year we were giving our unique BAM Congress to a group of 25 leaders.

Quickly, a 6-person team from the church led by Pastor Mbange began to form what is now the “UmodSEE BAM Center.” (Umodze is the local word for Unity). We are still in the process of discovering the ultimate vision for this movement, but a return is possible in December of 2023 to put the final pieces together. What is known is that the readiness of the leaders involved is incredible and the vision for long-term sustainability is viable with through collaborative resources and manpower. MissionConnect is continuing to put forth efforts to see collaboration with the UMOJA Center Association (Burundi) take root for gospel impact to all Africa!